5 Things You Need to Know About CBD Edibles

CBD (cannabidiol) edibles, especially gummies, are growing in popularity among individuals looking to naturally enhance their overall well-being. Before you can dive into the world of CBD edibles, you’ll want to know a couple of things. Join us and read on to learn the five things you need to know before you can comfortably experience CBD edibles.

CBD edibles gummies on plate

1. CBD Edibles Can Be Gummies and More

CBD edibles are food and drinks that have been infused with CBD. The CBD used in edibles is most commonly derived from Hemp, a variant of the Cannabis plant which has high concentrations of CBD.

You can ask your bartender to add a shot of CBD to your beer, or your baker to bake you CBD brownies. If you want a dose on the go, then a small snack like CBD edible gummies will be your best option. There are a huge variety of CBD edibles out there for you to experience, and no matter how you choose to, you’ll be enjoying their benefits soon enough.

2. CBD Edibles Take Some Time to Kick In

CBD edibles can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to kick in, and it may take up to four hours for you to feel the full effect. This is because they work differently from other forms of CBD. Using CBD oils as our example; CBD oils are sublingual, meaning they mix directly with your bloodstream upon intake. However, CBD edibles, like gummies, go through the digestive tract, taking a little bit longer to affect the body but lasting longer when they do.

Of course, the type and dosage of a CBD edible can also influence how long it takes for its effects to be felt. Owing to our previous example, an edible that comes into contact with the bloodstream quicker will act faster than one following the digestive tract. Lozenges and lollipops, for example, will kick in faster than CBD edibles like gummies because some of their CBD is absorbed sublingually when they are licked.

How CBD edibles work in a person’s body varies depending on that body’s metabolism, so your experience with CBD edibles will not be the same as anyone else’s. 

3. Intake Amount Varies Based on Need

CBD-infused chocolate cookies

The standard CBD dosage can be anywhere between 20mg and 50mg. However, the body’s ideal intake will vary depending on a number of factors such as body weight, pre-existing ailments, individual tolerance, biochemistry, and edible potency.

If you are on prescription medicine for an existing ailment, you might want to check with a doctor before deciding on the edible dosage of CBD suitable for you. This is a precautionary step to ensure that the CBD and drug do not interact with each other.

You can also vary the dosage depending on the condition you want to address. Again, we recommend that you consult with your doctor to help make that decision. Edibles on the market today contain varying amounts of CBD, so check the concentration of CBD mentioned on the label before intake. CBD edible gummies, for example, are usually available in variants of 10mg, 25mg, and 50mg.

Since everyone’s body processes CBD at its own pace, everyone goes on their own journey to find the right dosage.

4. Full-Spectrum CBD Has the Most Impact

CBD edibles come in three types: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. Broad-spectrum CBD contains CBD along with other cannabinoids, but no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Isolate CBD contains only CBD.

Full-spectrum CBD on the other hand contains all three – CBD, other cannabinoids, and trace amounts (0.3%) of THC. This combination of elements causes the famous “entourage effect” – a contested theory that when all the compounds of the cannabis plant are taken together, it has a greater impact.

So if you want to experience the full benefits of CBD edibles, then trying full-spectrum CBD gummies or other edibles may be your best choice.

5. CBD Edibles Have Potential Benefits

woman eating CBD edibles gummies

CBD’s most common use is in helping to provide relief from a number of health conditions. The most common application of CBD is as a pain reliever. At the correct dosage, CBD edibles are suggested to be effective against aches and pains, and inflammation.

CBD also may ease symptoms of mental health conditions. Claims have been made about its efficacy against symptoms such as sleeplessness, nausea, headaches, and more. Many athletes also endorse CBD, as it may potentially enhance the effectiveness of your workout.

Because of these potential benefits, many people make CBD edibles a part of their regular routine. CBD edible gummies in particular are popular for their portability.

Experience The Benefits Of CBD Edibles

CBD edibles are becoming more and more popular these days because of their overall wellness benefits and increasing availability.

You can enjoy the potential benefits of CBD once you figure out what CBD edible dosage works the best for you. Again, we advise that you consult a healthcare specialist before trying CBD products for the first time.

After you’ve done your due diligence, go ahead and dive into a world of wellness with full-spectrum CBD edible gummies, oils, and creams from Sound CBD. Our products are grown and manufactured naturally at our family farm in Haiti, and are third-party lab-tested for ensured quality and safety. Join the Sound CBD family, and unlock the potential within.

About CBD Edibles
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