Does CBD Work as a Sleep Aid? 

A young man sleeping

As many as 70 million Americans struggle with some kind of sleep disorder. If you fit into this boat, you’ve probably tried everything: herbal teas, meditation, melatonin, prescription sleep aids—but results can vary. 

As more and more people struggle to achieve consistent, restful sleep, some are turning to an emerging trend: CBD oil. But can you effectively use CBD as a sleep aid? And can it provide the support you’re looking for? 

The Research Regarding CBD as a Sleep Aid

Although research into CBD is still somewhat in its infancy, there are a few studies that have looked into the subject of whether or not CBD helps sleep. 

CBD for Anxiety-Induced Sleep Issues 

One large case series from 2019 looked into the existing body of data. The researchers found a definite correlation between CBD consumption and improved sleep, but the data was limited to subjects with anxiety disorders. 

This suggests that CBD may help improve sleep in individuals whose insomnia is anxiety-related. The researchers further noted that CBD had no safety concerns and was extremely well-tolerated. 

CBD for General Insomnia 

One challenge in assessing the effectiveness of CBD as a sleep aid is that most of the existing research looks at whole-plant cannabis—or different cannabinoids working in tandem. 

So although many studies have found cannabis to be effective for sleep support, the trick is determining how much of that benefit is from CBD and how much of it is from THC. 

To clear up some of the confusion, one 2018 study specifically observed that CBD was more effective than THC in improving sleep in people living with insomnia, thus lending credence to the benefit of CBD on its own. 

Also, leading health organizations like the Mayo Clinic recognize drowsiness as one of the potential side effects of CBD, especially when CBD is consumed in large doses. This might be a downside for some users, but it can be a benefit for people hoping that CBD helps sleep. 

The Benefits of Using CBD as a Sleep Aid

A bottle of CBD oil on a cannabis leaf

More research is still needed to determine the full potential of CBD as a sleep aid. However, given what we already know, there may be some distinct benefits for users looking to incorporate CBD oil into their sleep routine. 

  • Studies have shown that CBD is extremely well-tolerated, even at high doses. 
  • CBD doesn’t carry the often harsh side effects of prescription sleep aids. Some sleep drugs have been associated with depression, memory loss, and even sleepwalking. CBD doesn’t carry these types of risks. 
  • CBD is unlikely to give you the morning hangover effect that is possible with melatonin and other sleep aids. 
  • CBD is non-habit-forming. Just take it when you need it. 
  • CBD has fewer drug interactions than many over-the-counter and prescription sleep aids. Although it may interact with certain anti-epileptic drugs, antidepressants, and analgesics, it plays well with most common medications and even alcohol. 
  • CBD is legal and available without a prescription in almost all 50 states. 

Because CBD is safe and well-tolerated, the best thing to do is incorporate it into your sleep routine. Decide for yourself if CBD is the sleep aid you’ve been looking for. 

What to Know Before Using CBD as a Sleep Aid

If you do want to explore the potential of CBD as a sleep aid, there are a few things to consider beforehand.

Ask for a Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Make sure you’re buying high-quality CBD that’s natural and third-party lab tested. Not all CBD products will give you the benefit you’re looking for, so you have to do your homework. Make sure the CBD concentration is as advertised and that there are no contaminants.

Any reputable CBD manufacturer should offer a lab certification from a third-party testing lab. If this isn’t available, shop elsewhere. CBD is largely unregulated, so you can’t afford to take risks. You should also know how to spot fake CBD.

Know Your Dosage 

Everyone’s dosage needs are different. The ideal dosage can depend on your history with CBD, your weight, your body fat concentration, and your unique biological makeup. Refer to our guide for finding your recommended CBD dosage.

As a general rule, it’s best to start off small. For most people, 20mg per day is a good starter dose. You can increase the dosage incrementally from there until you find that CBD helps you sleep.

Time Your Dosage Carefully

A man taking CBD oil

If you’re using CBD as a sleep aid, you have to time your consumption carefully. The goal is to ensure that the cannabinoids take effect right as you’re lying down to sleep—or very shortly thereafter. The ideal timing can depend on the type of CBD you’re consuming. 

CBD oil, for instance, can take effect in as little as 20 minutes. But CBD gummies and other edibles might take up to an hour to work. It might take you a few days of trial and error to get the timing just right. 

Consider More Than Just CBD 

CBD on its own is great. But the best CBD products are infused with other beneficial terpenes and botanicals to help you get more from the product. 

For instance, our full spectrum CBD oil is infused with peppermint to enhance both the flavor and the effects. Peppermint has been shown to support mental relaxation, which may further help to promote restful sleep. 

See for Yourself How CBD Helps Sleep

If you’re curious about the benefits of CBD for sleep, we invite you to browse our online CBD store and explore the effects for yourself. All our products are third-party lab tested, naturally full spectrum, and manufactured in an FDA- and USDA-registered facility. They’re also available at competitive prices. 

Add CBD to your nightly routine, and see if it’s the solution you’ve been looking for. 

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